Should A Christian seek a platform?

I searched assiduously for an appropriate definition for the word “platform” that could be used for this blog post.

Here is the best one I found on

A Platform is – “a body of principles on which a person or group takes a stand in appealing to the public”

The word “platform” has been very popular these days regarding ministry or business. It is also seen like a word many people are shying away from because of fear of what people would say or maybe the responsibility that may come along with it.

So, the question is asked “should a Christian seek a platform”?

Here’s the question I believe we should ask, “when a Christian has a platform, what should they do with it?”

Personally, I don’t believe we need to seek a platform, I believe one is given to us from birth.  Sheila Wray defines a platform as “the number of people who visit you regularly and who interact with you and who are interested in what you have to say.”

When you read both definitions, you realize as long as we have an opinion and willing to share this opinion with anyone, a platform will be created. So, if you make a post on social media, you’re using a platform; if you voice your opinion at work, in your business or at church, you’re using a platform.

Now, as Christians we are commanded to preach/share the Gospel (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20). Psalms 96:3 states “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.”

Therefore, we are all called/ordained/instructed to share the goodness of Jesus Christ to everyone.

Here’s where it gets technical, some people may use the medium of blogging, writing, speaking, making social media posts, starting a ministry, singing, dancing etc. to share their message which is their platform.

Does God need to give you a special “call” to do so? Does a Pastor/church leader need to send you out to do so?

I personally do not think so, because God made it clear in His Word that one of our mission/purpose in life is to share His Good News and we use our unique gifts or talents to impact the Kingdom.

I can say for me, I have been posting about God on social media long before I ever thought about blogging, writing a book or speaking. I honestly felt that God was too good to me to keep to myself and so I use my gift of exhortation (encouragement) to daily inspire people to know and seek God. At this time I didn’t know I had a platform, I just did it. I also know many Christians who have never even posted a scripture on social media but they have platforms at church whether doing sign language, dancing or teaching Sunday school. Nobody tells us not to do things in church but once it seem like a Christian is doing something publicly, we come under great scrutiny and attack especially from our same brothers and sisters in the faith.

So, the question again, should a Christian seek a platform? You don’t need to. You already have a platform. What are you doing with it? Glorifying self or sharing Christ? Hiding the Good News or declaring His goodness? Seeking popularity or fulfilling purpose? Burying your talent or utilizing your gift?

My encouragement: if you feel pressed on your heart to utilize the platform you are given as a believer, don’t let the fear of what people may say stop you. Pray and seek God as you share whatever He places on your heart. Do a constant heart check to ensure your motive for sharing is pure and it’s not for popularity or position. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.

I love you and God loves you more!

Crystal Daye

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