Pursuing True Intimacy by debra kay williams

What if someone should ask you the question, “what is your deepest desire?” would your answer consist of any of these responses: to be successful in life, to own a successful business, acquire fine assets or start a family? If so, what if you only achieve some of your goals or none in your timing, would you still think that your life has meaning? What if the main achievement in your life is that you are in a consistent pursuit of God Himself and daily developing intimacy with Him? Would that be enough to satisfy you?

There are so many things that we seek to achieve in this life that does not fulfil that deep longing in our souls, and after we achieve them, we still feel empty. The truth is our souls will only be truly satisfied when we begin to focus on our Creator who alone can truly satisfy us. Jesus has everything in Himself to satisfy us, in Him we will find living water that will satisfy our thirst forever.

More Intimate than Marriage

“It is not good for man to be alone” and that is the truth. We were mean to live in community and have varying relationships, to include, one of the most sought-after relationship, marriage. Marriage is good and should be desired; it is good to have someone exclusively committed to us in love and partnership. However, no matter how close someone is to us, they cannot satisfy us like Jesus can. People are people and we will disappoint each other and will not be able to satisfy our emotional needs all the time or even ever.

There is a space in our hearts that can only be reached by God. There is a level of intimacy that can only be experienced with God-that cannot be reached even with the best husband/wife. This is a note for single persons, not to think that an earthy marriage can solve their intimacy needs, you will end up disappointed. See God as your perfect “soulmate” in your season of singleness and even when you are married.

Our Responsibility to Go deeper

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). As we grow in our desire for an intimate relationship with God, we must make it our personal responsibility to seek Him. We cannot rely on sermons alone; but we must make time to spend in the presence of God. If someone is valuable to us, we must make time for them. An intimate relationship with God will not happen by chance, but by consistent, deliberate actions of spending time in the Word and in prayer. When we are diligent in seeking God, then the Holy Spirit will empower us and prompt us to continue seeking Him.


 As we spend time in His presence our hearts will be open to hearing His Spirit and we will begin to receive revelation from Him. God will begin to give revelation from scripture as well as giving instructions for our life. When we do not spend time with God, we miss out on these revelations and directions from The Lord. We are therefore encouraged to seek deep intimacy with The Lord, as our daily expression of our intent and interest to build deeper intimacy with Him.

Debra Kay Williams is a blogger and author of Word Plus Heart. Her platform promotes the Word of God to young ladies; encouraging them to become disciplined in reading the Word of God. We aim to assist young women in this process by sharing practical steps of how they can enhance their devotion to knowing and living the Word of God. We have created a freebie to be used by anyone who wants to draw into a closer relationship with God. It is a 21 Day Guide to intimacy with God, if you want to access this freebie click on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17khV_5pWFGQOEmEqVR8PvBf62YdN-onl/view.

Visit our blog here: http://wordplusheart.blogspot.com/

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