My Faith Journey To Atlanta (Part 2)

Welcome to Part 2 of the testimony of my faith journey to Atlanta – I hope you got a chance to read yesterday’s blog (read here)  so let me continue.

As I said my friend Natasha bought my ticket. I had 4 days to put everything together to leave for Atlanta.

Now, earlier in  the year, a sister in Christ Casleam  won 2 tickets to the Pinky Promise Conference and she gave me 1 of the tickets. Initially when I thought I wasn’t going to make it, I’d plan to message her to return the ticket but I never got a chance to. And one of my coaching colleague told me he was praying with me to attend the Life Coaching Conference so when I told him I was coming, he said he would cover that ticket… Can I say God is super amazing!!

How did I get there?

This was when it became real or I would say more surreal… So, my friend Natasha said the Lord placed it on her heart that I needed to be there. She struggled with it initially but she knew she had to be obedient and God led her to start a GoFund Me account to get me to Atlanta. She literally had 7 days to earn US $1000.
Natasha blocked me and her mum from her page (so we wouldn’t know about it) and started the drive and within 4 days, she had more than 70% of the target and at the end of the 7 days she earned over $1400US which was used for spending money for the trip.

When I got to Atlanta and Natasha shared the story, I was so so overwhelmed. Wow! Wow!

I had many emotions over the 10 days but mostly thanksgiving because God continues to provide but also that my sister in Christ believed in God’s calling on my life enough to be obedient to be such a blessing. And also, that so many people were willing to sow a seed in my life.

Natasha was such an awesome host over the 10 days I spent with her. I spent time just reading, I actually watched TV (which I don’t ever do when I’m home), I got to spend time with other women of God and just relax which I so needed.

The conferences were good also and I kept seeking God on the reason He wanted me there. Honestly, I have no ‘major” revelation to why God sent me to Atlanta but I’m so grateful for the testimony of His supernatural provision.

I want to just encourage someone that God is not a respecter of persons so He can and He will provide for you. It’s also a reminder that we should be open to God using us as a blessing to others like how Natasha made herself available. When I ask her why, she didn’t see it as a big deal. For her, that’s the example of how the disciples in Acts would sell their stuff so they can help others and she believes that’s how God actually intended for us to live (as our sister’s keeper)!

You can see the actually ad she placed here and so many amazing people donated to make this trip possible and I am truly grateful….

Tomorrow I have an announcement!!

God is crazy faithful….


Love Crystal

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