My Faith Journey to Atlanta (Part 1)

This blog is Part 1 of 3, I will share a snippet of my testimony of God’s faithfulness regarding my Faith Journey to Atlanta.

From beginning of 2017, I had a desire to attend the Pinky Promise Conference hosted by Heather Lindsey and DW Life Coaching Conference hosted by Life Coach Brittany. And I’m still in awe that I actually made it!

To be honest even though I’m happy to be attending the events – my testimony and blessing started long before I even boarded the plane to Atlanta.

My journey to Atlanta is truly a faith story – one that has really renewed my faith but a testament to others that God is still in the miracle working business and His faithfulness is truly who HE is.

Now if you know me I love Heather Lindsey’s ministry. I tell people when I came upon her blog in 2013/2014 that was the pushed I needed to truly walk away from a toxic relationship and walk in purity. I’ve attended the Pinky Promise Conference 2015 and that also was a big testimony, you can read it here.

Anyway as I said that I put on my vision board and prayer list for 2017 that I wanted to attend again because it’s truly a blessing. This conference has over 2000 women just worshiping Jesus and fellowshipping and truly it’s just an amazing experience being in the presence of God. But as time drew closer I knew I couldn’t afford to attend.. I was disappointed but I know I’m in a crazy season of my life so I had to learn to be contented and accept I wouldn’t make it this year.

I was supposed to stay with my girlfriend and sister in Christ, Natasha Crooks (who I met at Pinky Promise 2015). Since we’ve met there was an instant connection so we’ve grown quite close especially since we both were facing some similar tests. I told Natasha I wasn’t going to make it based on my current obligations, we were disappointed but we kept praying that some miracle would happen … and it did.

I want to cut a long story short…

Natasha called me to say her mum wanted to help but it was based on the ticket prices.. by now the airfare skyrocketed but honestly when she told me her mum wanted to help.. I was so overwhelmed. For me, even if I didn’t get to attend the conference the fact she wanted to help was enough to renew my faith that God is still with me (yes I was struggling with feelings that God has forgotten me a bit in this season.). Her mum wasn’t able to purchase the ticket but I was fine and I truly just appreciated the thought.

To be honest, apart of me struggled to even pray to God to attend the conferences. There is so much going on in my life, I felt I had more important things to pray for and I was selfish to even ask God to go overseas now. My girlfriend Debra kept telling me she believed God wanted me there but I was too all up in my “feelings” so I had a little faith but I was 95% doubtful.

4 Days before I was planning to leave, Natasha messaged me asking for my information to purchase the ticket and she told me she would give me the testimony later.

Again.. I was floored! I was jumping up in the house and screaming. I fell on the floor worshipping. Then Christelle and I sang our 2017 theme song – Go JESUS Go JESUS! I’m going to Atlanta.

How was it possible?

And no her mum didn’t buy the ticket.

Well.. tomorrow I’ll share the rest of the testimony.

God is crazy FAITHFUL…
Love Crystal

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