Today is Part 3 and I have a major announcement….So, I made the biggest faith step of my life and left my 9-5 job!
Initially I wasn’t led to announce it but Natasha shared it in her Go Fund Me campaign plus after attending the Pinky Promise Conference, I knew it was time to share with my social media family.
It’s weird because I saw a Facebook memory yesterday August 15, 2016 that I posted:
“Some day very soon, I will be a full time minister and entrepreneur… #thinkingoutloud#nextyearbirthdaywish #nomore9to5″

This was the post I made on the last day of my job
It’s been almost 7 months and it’s been an interesting journey. I knew I was called to full time ministry/entrepreneurship but I didn’t even know what that meant or what it looked like. I had my own ideas and plans of setting up my business ensuring I’m earning at least 2 times my salary and being completely debt free before I would even consider leaving my job (maybe next 3-5 years). So, when God told me it was time to leave my stable job it was a major struggle for months.
I gave God all the reasons I shouldn’t and couldn’t. And why simply I wasn’t ready.
I didn’t have a structured business earning consistent income, I’m a single mother, I didn’t have a fixed church home yet, I had too much debts, I was just recovering from so many bad relationships/friendships and I just didn’t want to deal with the challenges of not having a job.
After months of restlessness and tons of confirmations on January 20, 2017, I left my Public Sector job to go out into the unknown.
Even though I had so much peace that I was doing exactly what God wanted me to do…It really didn’t decrease the fears and anxiety that plagued me for months.
I was challenged like never before to trust God and believe in His Promises that He will never leave me or forsake me and He’s going to provide for all my needs and Christelle’s needs according to His riches in glory.
I’ll share as led my journey of walking by faith in this season of my life….
My only desire is to please God and His Word says faith pleases Him and obedience is better than sacrifice so I continue to trust in God’s faithfulness and promises.
Cheers to my almost 30th Birthday!!
Love Crystal