5 Things You MUST Do Before You Start Writing Your Book

I know the bubbling feeling that you’re feeling to say yes I’m ready to publish my book and get it out to the world now! And I love the excitement and I’m celebrating with you… But before you jump on the laptop to create your masterpiece, I really want to give you some advice (I hope you will trust me on this).

As a book coach, studying the self-publishing process for over 20 months, I’ve learnt quite a few strategies and lessons from others mistake that I want to help you prevent.

Before you write your book, I encourage you to do these things:

1) Start building a platform: understand that unless you’re Joyce Myers, Usain Bolt or Sarah Jakes, you need to start building some type of visibility for yourself so when your book is released you have actual readers.

I share some tips on Building A Writing Platform in a previous blog, so you can read it HERE

2) Create an outline: this will help you know where the book is going, so you don’t end up all over the place. An outline is like a GPS, so you need it to give you directions.

3) Identify your ideal reader: you cannot write a book for everyone. A wife and a teenage girl have different concerns; a career man and a single woman have different struggles etc. Your book is not for everyone.

4) Start thinking about your marketing plan: how will you get your book out to the ideal readers? It’s not too early to start thinking about this.

5) PRAY:  Even though you desire to write a book, I encourage you to seek God and ensure it is in His will and His timing. When it’s a God-given vision, you best believe, He will find the provision to get it done. Also, praying gives your clarity, confidence, direction and motivation. And I tell you, during the publishing process you going to need these things.

So, I hope you will start looking into these suggestions I’ve made.


Few things, 

I designed a special gift for you called 8 Step Guide to writing your 1st book, and it’s FREE. So download it HERE


Also, I invite you to schedule a Complimentary (no-cost) Birth Your Book Clarity Session, where we will discuss your book idea and how to turn your dream of becoming an author into a reality. Ready? Schedule HERE


You can purchase the Write Your Devotional Masterclass in 48 hours + Worksheet for just US$20 (sale price). The reviews for this masterclass have been amazing where persons are finally seeing becoming the author they’ve dreamt about for years. Purchase HERE



I love you and God loves you more

Crystal Daye

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