Women need men; Men need women!!

Recently a friend made a  Facebook post that if she was a cake then a relationship (marriage) is the icing. So, a cake is whole by itself but icing adds to it. 
Personally, I get the point of women being whole before getting married and I agree 100%. No woman should go into a relationship looking for a man to complete them. Only person can fill our void is Christ and only Him can make us whole. 
After many heated debates, research and seeking God, I must admit that woman needs a man; just as man needs a woman. This is so because God designed it this way. 
I am not in full agreement with this analogy because a cake does not need icing; this is just an accessory to make it look better and for some it may enhance the taste. But a man is more than just to make us feel better. Even if it’s just for procreation (having children), a woman needs a man at some point. 
Now, we can debate that ‘need’ means we cannot do without something but I won’t even get into that part. But one definition of need is “very important rather than just desirable”. Any argument with the definition, seek the scholars… I am just stating that men are very important than just a desire:-)
What I find interesting though, you never hear men trying to convince themselves or anybody else that they don’t need women; but women are always trying to debate how much we don’t need men. We have gotten so self-sufficient through our accomplishments that we believe it’s enough to satisfy us. What we fail to truly acknowledge is that the education, career, house or car does not fill the void of the affection that we need. It is understandable though, because we fought so hard to get to this place of independence and equality with men; changing the ‘backward’ thinking that a woman’s role is to be housewife, we would never want to accept that after getting our way through the feminist movement to admit that men do play an important role/fulfill a ‘need’ in our lives. 
Just want to make it clear… Women and Men are EQUAL because God made us equal; but we are also different. Different does not mean inferior or superior. We are different because we have unique purposes.  (Genesis 2:23 & 5:2, Ephesians 2:10) 
With that said, I am grateful for a renewed mind in Christ that have altered my views of men; and accept that because God created us (male and female) to fulfill each other’s needs; then I cannot allow the world’s views to distort God’s intended design and purpose for us. There is a sense, then, in which we have “inherited” a need for companionship. The need is most ideally fulfilled in the marriage union. As a general rule, in is “not good to be alone” (Gen. 2:18).
We women don’t need to be debating that we have a higher purpose than marriage and childbearing. That is a given!! Look in the universities, businesses and even the churches. What we need to stop doing though is flaunt this independence/ self-sufficiency attitude to degrade men and challenge their God-given authority. Of course, we can argue that men needs to do  far better in the society but let us be reminded that we were created to be ‘help mate’ (Genesis 2:18) and we can argue they need a lot of help. But that is OK.. because we do need them!!! So the quicker we admit this, then the quicker we will ‘help’ the men to restore our society and fulfill their purpose. 

So, I don’t NEED a husband to make me feel good about myself. I don’t NEED a husband to make me whole. I don’t NEED a husband to make me feel happy. I was created in God’s own image and I have dominion over all the earth (Genesis 1:26-27)

But I will accept that I do NEED a husband to establish a nuclear family as God ordained it to be. I do NEED a husband to teach my son (when I do have one) how to be a man. I do NEED a husband to fulfill my sexual desires because sex outside of marriage is a sin (fornication).

This by no means indicates that I must take it on myself to do anything to get a husband. As a Child of God, my Jehovah Jireh (Provider) says He will supply ALL my needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19) and if I seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, ALL things will be added unto me (Matthew 6:33). So I do trust that He knows what’s best for me and I will wait on His timing!

To God to be Glory**** 

Feel free to email me: shachene@gmail.com 

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