The Sting of Silence

It’s Sunday morning, you wake up because it’s time for church again. You psych yourself up to get out of bed. Finally, you make it to church and the Praise and worship team is lit as they sing a rendition of William Mcdowell’s “Wrap me in your arms”, the congregation is responsive. You look around and see persons with hands raised and tear strewn faces in deep worship. Everyone is having an encounter with God -that is everyone except you. You feel a bit left out and make attempts to join in the worship experience, but somehow there’s just no connection.

We’ve all been there -at least I know I have. Ritualistically you’re doing everything right. You’re at church on Sunday morning then back again at nights, Wednesday for Bible study and Friday for youth service or any other “churchy activities”. You tithe faithfully, you live peaceably with your neighbours (most times) and you can quote scripture like nobody’s business. Not to mention you’re not doing any of the things that “those” people do.  You don’t drink, you don’t smoke and you’re saving yourself for “The One”. ” You look at other Christians who seem to be growing by leaps and bounds in their faith and relationship with God and you wonder “Well, God what about me?”  You pray, you spend time with Him (most days), but all you seem to get in return is silence. In Job 13:24 Job asked God “Why do you hide your face and consider me your enemy?”, but in spite of his feelings Job still clung to God’s promise that He would not leave him. In times when life happens and it seems God has hidden His face from us that is when we should seek Him even more. It sounds cliché, but it’s true. We say we want more of Him then we must prove it and pursue Him wholeheartedly. Also, we need to do some introspection to ensure the state of our heart and mind matches the Godly image we try to portray. These are just some of the things that can leave us feeling empty despite our best efforts to connect to the Power source:

1.     Priorities. Priorities. Priorities

Can you honestly say that developing a relationship with God is a priority in your life? Are you intentional about spending time with Him? The quickie prayer you say in the morning before rushing out the door for work/school is not enough. There must be a time set apart during the day where you pour out to God (cast your cares) and allow him to fill you up. If we don’t slow down long enough to seek His will and hear what He has to say we cannot grow in our relationship with Him. Seek God First above all else (Matthew 6:33). You can be assured He hears every word- even when it doesn’t feel like it.

2.     Fear/Lack of Faith

“Lord thy will be done, BUT only if it lines up with what I had in mind for myself”. Do you really trust God with your life? Do you believe that He is a good father who cares about the tiniest detail of your life and is capable of supplying ALL your needs? Or are you double minded (James 1:8). We must develop an unwavering faith so that our relationship with God isn’t swayed by our external circumstances. We must purpose in our minds that we are giving this Christian life all or nothing. Sometimes we try to put a lid on God because we fear what He may require of us. Just remind yourself that God is ALWAYS in control and He knows what’s best. Yes, it may require you to leave your comfort zone but He will equip you- just trust Him. So you gonna do this or not?

3.     Comparison

We are all unique so don’t compare your faith walk with someone else’s. If you take a one size fits all approach you’ll always feel like you don’t quite measure up.  The important thing is that you are ACTIVELY pursuing God and allowing Him to transform you day by day through the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12: 2).

4.     Unconfessed Sin

Unforgiveness. Lust. Adultery. Fornication. Malice. Idolatry. Godless chatter (gossip).  What are you feeding your spirit? Are you engaging in any sinful activity that may be interrupting your connection with God? “If you hide your sins, you will not succeed. If you confess and reject them, you will receive mercy”. (Proverbs 28:13). Search yourself, if you’re found wanting confess it. God is faithful and just and is willing to forgive us and help us change so there’s nothing hindering us from feeling His presence.

Don’t be disheartened when it feels like God is ignoring you- I promise you He’s not.  The truth is this journey is filled with highs and lows, but we must stay the course. Instead of becoming discontented when you feel disconnected and empty, see it as His way of calling you to draw you closer to Him. Will you answer the call?

Be encouraged!



*This blog was written by my dear sister Terri Ann Malabre. Terri is an aspiring financial advisor and writer who is passionate about purity and pursuing the things of God. She aims to help and encourage persons along their faith journey and is excited about all the ways that God will use her to advance His kingdom.


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