The Cure For Insecurity

I have struggled.

I have struggled many times with insecurities.

Each time I believe that I have passed the test and am confidently walking into my God-given assignment, God challenges me with something new and here it comes again – INSECURITY.

I realize whenever I do things in my own strength and when I feel qualified for a task, I never struggle with insecurities.   If I’m planning an event, it literally takes me a few hours to put all the logistics together and organize everything to make the event successful. I feel like “in my element” because organizing is a natural talent so I am confident in that gift.

Then, God gives me a challenge… speak at a Parenting Seminar to mothers and fathers who are much older than I am… Start a business … Preach a sermon, and then I start to panic. Fear overwhelms me and feelings of insecurities control me.

Lord I’m not good enough…Lord I’m not ready…Lord I’m not qualified!

Insecurity feels like a disease.

Then a small voice whispers “In your weakness, I’m made strong”

2 Corinthians 12:9“But he told me, my kindness[s] is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak. So I will brag even more about my weaknesses in order that Christ’s power will live in me”.

Crystal this is NOT about you!


My purpose is to fulfill His purpose. My calling is to fulfill His calling. My dream is to fulfill His dreams.

Colossians 1:16 – “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels – everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him”.
And that’s the CURE.

Taking my eyes off myself and looking to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith.


I know that anything He is calling me to do, has nothing to do with me – it’s about giving Him glory and being a blessing to who He has called me to serve. 

I could give you a list of ten steps of overcoming insecurity, but honestly it’s ALL wrapped up in one Truth – your assignment/purpose/calling is NOT about you.


I have to constantly remind myself of this so when my insecurities kick in, I can be confident because I know God is with me and He will equip me to do all He has called me to do.  And this is the same for you.

Philippians 1:6:For I am confident of this that He who began a good work in you, will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus”.


I love you and God loves you more!


LifeCoach Crystal

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