Struggling with People Pleasing

For many years I struggled with people pleasing. I don’t think I realized how bad it was until I got saved and I just couldn’t walk in righteousness as God had called me to.  I wanted so badly to be accepted and loved by my friends, so I lived contrary to the Word of God.  Of course, at the time I didn’t know people were my “god” and I was battling with idolatry.

I give thanks for God’s grace and mercy that now I am learning daily that I don’t need people’s approval to make me happy; but my life has already been predestined by God and only His approval is important.

“It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe.” – Proverbs 29:25

So what if they don’t like you, do you like you?

So what if they talk about you, live so no one believes it!

So what if you’ve messed up and fallen, get back up again, try harder!

When we are caught up in the approval of others, we easily miss God’s purpose for our life. It causes us to wear a mask to not be true to ourselves because of the fear of rejection.

I had to become my biggest fan and accept that only God’s opinion of me truly matters.

I began to break free from the approval of others when I realized that not even God can please everyone. Think about it, two teams playing a football match, both teams are praying to win but we know only one can be the winner and the other will lose. In the end somebody will be displeased with God about the outcome. Now, if God can’t please everyone how can little ole’ me even try to??

How horrible it will be for you when everyone says nice things about you..”  – Luke 6:26

The scripture says, it is ‘horrible’ if everyone likes us.

Honestly, I accept that God made me unique and my contribution to the world will be different from others. On a daily basis, I challenge myself to live for an audience of ONE because at the end of this temporary life, I will have to answer to God about how I spent my time here on earth.

I don’t want at the end of this journey called life, everyone is pleased with me but my Creator and Father is displeased. That would have been a wasted life.

Does this sound as if I am trying to win human approval? No indeed! What I want is God’s approval! Am I trying to be popular with people? If I were still trying to do so, I would not be a servant of Christ. – Galatians 1:10

Remember, you were made by God and for Him.

Keep Him as your focus!

Be free from people pleasing!!

God loves you and I love you too!!


Just a few things:

1)  Look at the different places we will be and grab a friend and join us for an empowering evening. 



2) Please check my website and sign up on my mailing list –


3) Order my first book, Living A Royal Reality from Amazon, if you are outside of Jamaica or contact me personally if you in Jamaica. 



4) Remember I sell t-shirts various styles and colours on sale for Ja. $1,200 You can order yours at email: telephone #(876) 540-4863




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