Modern Idolatry

As I write this blog, I pray it will be received with love. These are the things that are not talked about in the churches because of fear to insult people but my heart is so burdened, and as the Lord leads I write as He place in my heart. 

We have read so many stories of the Israelites and how they worshiped false idols even as God shows Himself so faithful to them over and over. Many scoff because we are not making ‘golden calf” and literally bowing down before physical idols. But a modern form of idolatry is now plaguing us and if we don’t identify them, many of us will be caught in a form of godliness and denying God’s power (2 Tim 3:5). 
When I post, I always want to take the speck out of my eye first before I even consider addressing anyone about their actions. At the end of August 2014, just before I went on my three (3) months social media fast. I kept finding excuses why I shouldn’t but God said I had to so there was no excuse that could change His mind but it was hard. But I remember a friend said to me, “Crystal your phone is your idol”.. Like what? .. How dare you say that? .. He said anything that you spend more time with than God is an idol. Honestly, I was offended.. How could He say that.. Who could love their phone more than God? But He was right. 
Since then, I keep praying that the Lord will reveal all the idols in my life, because I don’t ever want anything or anyone to come before God in my life. I’m not sure if I knew what I was praying for…because now, I feel so embarrassed even as a Christian there were so many idols in my life. 
Some of these idols included:
a) Friendship – I had some of my friends on a pedestal to the point that even when I know God wanted me to stop partying and stuff I couldn’t because I was fearful that I would lose them if I did. 
b) Education – Growing up I always felt that my only way out of poverty was through education so I worked super hard to achieve all the necessary qualifications. This is not a bad thing normally, except when you doing all of this to appear successful in the eyes of the world. 
c) Relationship – I needed a boyfriend, seriously I felt I just always needed to be in a relationship for whatever reason and of course none of these relationships were good for me because they all were contrary to the God’s Word. 
d) Outer Appearance – Brazilian Hair, shortest outfits, whatever makes me look in the mirror and feel good about myself  but even more what got the most attention, what pictures got the most likes was what I needed etc. 
Honestly, my worth was tied up into ALL these things… What my friends thought of me? Why don’t they want to be my friends anymore? Was I looking beautiful enough? Was I pleasing my boyfriend? Was I making ‘my boo’ happy? Do I look better than my boyfriend other girlfriend? Was I spinning heads in the dance (sessions) or clubs? What other qualifications can I get to go higher in the company? 
I was a hot mess.. And I don’t mean before I was a Christian, I mean even while I was saved!! 
Fact is, we have now created an idol of SELF! The world have become so materialistic which build our egos through acquiring more and more ‘stuff’. Some people must change their cell phones at every new version, buy bigger homes, newer model cars, most expensive hair, clothes and shoes.. All because of covetousness and to gain admiration of the world. It is Satan’s trap to keep our focus on ourselves and not on God, so we are busy with careers, jobs, seeking higher accolades and relationships. All these things that will have no eternal value because after we die they’re no use to us (see Ecclesiastes 2:21-23). 
I know so many women who wants to give their lives to God but won’t because they don’t want to lose their boyfriends or baby fathers. I know so many young men and ladies who wants to have a relationship with God but they are afraid to lose the friends they have, they don’t want to stop partying or give up sex or drugs. Everybody wants to ‘clean up’ their lives first. 
Girl, you have made this guy your god! You are doing everything you can to try please him but he is still cheating, still disrespecting you and won’t marry you because “he’s not ready or he can’t afford it yet”. Sis, God loves you so much and He is so jealous of you. 
I know how it feels to be afraid to let go, when I got saved I had to choose a 8 years relationship (that was going nowhere) or choose God who loves me even before I was in my mother’s womb. But I knew I needed a Savior, I knew the life I was living I was heading straight to hell! You know you need Jesus to rescue you, to save you, to love you .. what this man is offering is temporary my darling. Jesus is offering you eternity… I beg you to choose Him today!! 
Believer, God is calling you to be Holy! That means you are called to be set-apart from the world. God said clearly you cannot say love Him and love the world at the same time (1 John 2:15). So that means, you should not be in that unequally yoked relationship, you cannot be in the club Saturday night and church choir on Sunday, it means you cannot be dressing half-naked because you are trying to fit in, it means you can’t be so consumed about studying for your next exam that you don’t even pray anymore. 
People pleasing is idolatry.. Peer pressure is idolatry..Your child can become your idol.. Your husband or wife can become your idol.. Your career, car, family, cellphone or Ipad can become your idol… Our hearts and minds must be centered on God. Jesus said the greatest commandments is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and mind” (Matthew 22;37). 
When we love the Lord and trying to obey His commands, there will be no room in our hearts for idolatry. 
So, forgiveness… God still loves you so much! He is waiting with open arms for you… 
To God to be Glory**** 

Feel free to email me with questions or concerns at 

3 thoughts on “Modern Idolatry”

  1. I love this topic , as i am noticing soo much distraction , that keep me from spending quality time with God. Now i know these distraction are my idols.

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