I have a confession to make…

I have a confession….. sigh!
A lot of times we talk about not being jealous of other women but…. sigh. I am ready to confess there is one woman I’m jealous of ….

Her name is Mary. 

Mary was a young girl with a bright future ahead. Looking forward to getting married to the love of her life, serving God and really on top of the world (probably where I want to be).

Then the unexpected happened…

Luke 1:30-31 – “And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”

Yes an angel appeared before Mary and told her that she’s pregnant with a baby.. You say what!… But she’s a virgin…

Right there, her whole life changed. 

So yes I’m admitting I’m very jealous of Mary, the mother of Jesus.


Well, I’m going through a major life transition now. I must say it’s scary. I don’t know what to expect. I do feel fearful sometimes. I wonder if I heard wrong. I wonder if things are going to get worst.

Can you relate?

The question I ponder on… How do I respond when God gives me a command that could change my life?

Here is why I’m jealous of Mary.
Luke 1:38 – “And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant[a] of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.”

Really though Mary?

No panic? No fear? No hesitation? No 2 or 3 confirmations? No prophecy? No fasting or prayer?

She heard the Word sent by God… and she said… YES!

Mary trusted God’s plan for her life.

Mary was submitted to her God-given vision.

Mary’s obedience led to fulfilling her purpose.

Honestly, I do pray for a trusting, submissive and obedient spirit like Mary. I do pray for her level of faith. I do pray that my obedience would come as natural because God knows I just don’t respond like that. 

So, what made Mary move without hesitation?

She knew Her God. She knew His voice. She knew His plans for her are good. She knew that even though she may not know what the future holds, He does and that’s the assurance she has.

So how do you move forward in a season when you don’t know what’s going to happen? 
You must draw closer to God. You must become more sensitive to His voice. You must get in the Word more so you can develop a greater level of confidence in Who He is so that when He speaks, you will not hesitate to move because You will know without a shadow of a doubt that it is Him. 
God desires us to walk in obedience even when we don’t know what the next step or what the outcome will be. So, if you’re in a season where God has given you a command, yes it will be scary initially but like Peter that took the step out of the boat, as long as He kept His eyes on Jesus, he was able to “walk on water” and we can do the same. 

So I leave you with this reflection question:
What is it that God has told you to do that you keep stalling on? How do you think this delayed obedience (disobedience) will impact your relationship with God and possibly your future? 

Until next time….

I love you and God loves you more.

Crystal Daye (Empowerment Coach)

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