The New Year is almost here… In less than 40 days 2017 will be here!

For me, it’s always an exciting time because a New Year means new transitions and more opportunities to do even greater things in my life.

What about you? Are you looking forward to another year? Have you started to reflect on 2016 to see what worked and what didn’t work?

For many persons, they get disappointed because many of the goals they set for 2016 have not been accomplished or things just didn’t work out as they hoped it would have. And guess what? That’s fine. But this cannot stop you from becoming the best version of yourself in the upcoming year.

Here are 5 ways to Show Up Big in 2017:


  • Spend some time reflecting on the past year

(Despite how you might) feel that you didn’t accomplish everything you hoped to do in 2016, there must have been some “wins”. You did some things right so take inventory of your accomplishments and celebrate those.

Then reflect on 2 major lessons from your “losses”. Yes, even if you had many more, reflect on only 2 and start working on those for next year. Don’t bombard yourself with failures, it can be discouraging.

“Evaluated reflection turns experience into insight” – John Maxwell


  • Practice self-care

No matter how much you want to be super-mom/dad, hardest working employee or minister leader, you are still human. Our body needs rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.  When you are sick, physically drained and mentally exhausted then it will affect your ability to ‘show up’ BIG in 2017. Know your limits and stay healthy.  Self-care is not selfish. It is necessary.

“There comes a time when you have to stop hoping things will get better and simply realize that you DESERVE BETTER.” – Rachel Proctor


  • Develop a zero-tolerance for excuses

In my book, “Living A Royal Reality” I devoted a chapter to this topic. To achieve success in any area of our lives, it starts with developing successful thoughts. We have to make up our minds to “not quit” and eliminate all the excuses why “it won’t work”. Decide that you will not stop until you achieve your main goals for 2017 and not settle for less than you deserve.

“We cannot accept defeat or make excuses. Take your dreams and plans and execute them proficiently- TAKE IT SERIOUSLY” – Crystal Daye


  • Set BIG Goals

Hello…. For you to show up BIG in 2017, you cannot settle for the little goals that don’t challenge you. Set compelling goals that will require you to increase your faith, get more creative and bring out some of the strengths that have been dormant in your life.

While setting the goals, develop clear visions and steps to achieve them also. Write them down and don’t keep them in your head. If you take steps daily, it’s only a matter of time before you reach your desired destination.

“You’ll never achieve the goals if you don’t set them” – Crystal Daye

  • Invest in your success

What are you willing to give up to achieve your BIG goals for 2017? Many times we have these goals but we find ‘excuses’ why we can’t achieve them and it’s really because we don’t want them badly enough. If you really want to show up Big in 2017, you must be willing to make some extra sacrifice and invest in your success. You will have to invest time (you might lose some sleep) and invest money (you might have to take lunch to work instead of buying it). This is a small sacrifice to pay because at the end of 2017, you will look back and be thankful you did.

“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”- Jim Rohn

So what is it that you want accomplish in 2017?

Is it starting your own business part-time? Is it finally writing that book? Is it going to get your Bachelors or Masters even Doctorate? Is it to get that promotion you have been praying for? Is it to lose some weight? Is it to grow more in your spiritual life? Is it to finally go on a great vacation with your family?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11

It doesn’t matter what your BIG looks like for next year… You owe it to yourself to stop living a life of regret. The last thing that you want to do is give up before you even get started and spend the rest of your life wondering “what if”. Get uncomfortable and know that GOD has a great plan for your life and you can do more, be more and live more than you are doing now!


Article I wrote for my job’s newsletter


Have you registered for the upcoming PURPOSE PLANNING AND SUCCESS WORKSHOP on Saturday January 7, 2017?? 

Click flyer to register & learn more 

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