Grow To Love Through Disappointments by jody-anne green

Have you ever yearned for something valuable in life and in obtaining it you become resentful, or even worse, regretful?. It would seem as if you cast all your hope and energy on something that was not worth the while. It makes me wonder if things would have turned out differently, had we applied Philippians 4:6-8 in our yearning. (“Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God.” – verse 6).

Sometimes, the thing/ things we yearn for in an attempt to draw closer to God actually pushes us away from Him. Why so? We allow ourselves to get caught up in the joy of getting what we want, or the pain of enduring till we achieve. In the midst of these “ups and downs”, Romans 8:28 comes to mind – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” It is ironic to say, an unforeseen (to us, as people) pandemic can do as much good as it does harm. Our God and heavenly Father saw it with all the uncertainties coming.

Covid-19 has taught one to love all over again. One may question, “Love, in what sense?” To me, it’s everything. Draw closer to God. Psalms 42 came alive within my heart and life even more in this time. It reminds me, among other things, to allow one’s soul to become daily thirsty for God. He alone is truly able to quench our thirst and supply all our needs, (I repeat: He is able!). I’m also aware of the love we share with others – relationships with a spouse, family, friends, church family, and other loved ones. Many relationships have withered like a flower at the end of the day. Even more importantly, it has been observed that one’s mental health is just as important and needs attention. If ever a time one doubted the power of prayer, now would be the time to believe in it. One specific scripture that I have held on to (for dear life) is Romans 12:12 – “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.”

Though we are in challenging times, and things are very uncertain, may I close by reminding us all of Jeremiah 29:11, and Romans 8:18. Grab your Bible, be blessed in your growth – whatever season this finds you in.

Jody-Anne is a growing poet and author who “aspires to inspire before she expires” her time on earth. She has chosen to accept the opportunities God allows her to experience with grace and gratitude (with arms open wide).

It is her mission to encourage others to go live their own lives and grow to love in all its essence. Eventually, our glow shows as we embrace God’s glory.

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