God is Speaking, Are You Listening??

Has someone ever tried talking to you while you had headphones in? You are in your groove, music blasting and you vaguely recognize their lips moving or hear your name and you look at them – still lost about what they’re saying? You’re probably annoyed at this point, because they keep trying to talk and you just want to listen to your music in peace.

You reluctantly remove your headphones to see what was so important. At this point, you realize that what they have to say is so much more important than jamming to your favorite song, so you take the other one out to give them your undivided attention.

That is how we treat God, like the voice trying to interrupt the enjoyment of our lives. God I can’t hear you, I’m busy promoting my ministry. God, can we talk later? I have to go speak at this conference. We look at Him long enough to get the gist of what He is saying, but it’s usually with great reluctance as if we are being interrupted and our little activities are so much more important.

When was the last time God called you into a time of silence? Has He asked you to leave social media for a season? Were you instructed to take a break from ministry to allow Him to refresh you and download new ideas? Did it feel like an inconvenience? It shouldn’t!

Some of us have fallen into the trap of distraction and all the while God is screaming at us, beckoning us to come close and to listen for a while – we go about our daily lives. We are so blissfully unaware of His voice that we are dangerously close to a life of rebellion.

God is speaking, are you ready to hear?

Here is a scripture that totally wrecked me.

Psalm 63:1 – O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

One definition of early is “happening or done before the usual or expected time.” We so often want God to move right now, we ask Him to move on our behalf suddenly and miraculously.  But are we seeking Him before the expected time or at all? Psalm 37, verse 4 states that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart.

So the next time God interrupts your plans, to share His heart  let’s posture our hearts to be delighted that the God of the universe and all who inhabit it has decided to speak – rather than crying over what we don’t get to do. Pull out the headphones, sit attentively and listen to God – He’s speaking.

Be encouraged!

Shakiesha Mckenzie


Meet my sister, Shakeisha McKenzie from Nassau, Bahamas. She is the Author of 100 Days of Singleness, visit her website at www.100daysofsingleness.com.

Shakeisha is a dynamic young woman who has harnessed her love for writing and desire for inner healing into a challenge that has done wonders for the readers it has touched. She is the CEO and founder of Cross My Heart Ministry and has blazed a unique trail that has created a platform unique and powerful in its own rite. As a mentor, speaker and writer; God has opened many doors for her to change the world – one heart at a time.



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