I follow this beautiful royalty and her messages have always blessed my heart. She shared a testimony which I know many of us women can certainly identify ourselves with. So I pray somebody will be reminded of the grace, mercy and power of the Holy Spirit that can break bondage and as empowered us to live a life sold-out for Jesus Christ.

Testimony from Brittney S. Carter- McKinnon 

“17-22 years old I was a sex addict… I had one night stands with men who I barely knew their name, I was in relationships and sleeping with people’s boyfriends, and unashamed with no morals or respect for myself and I didn’t have a father around to tell or show me that I was a precious child, who needed to respect my temple. I’ve been called every name in the book- so it didn’t phase me when I heard it. I was paid for sex, men bought me the most expensive things, I didn’t value myself, my mind, body or soul. Sex addicts, in other words, are not simply people who crave lots of sex. Instead, they have underlying problems that many are ashamed to talk about: stress, anxiety, depression, shame, and low self-esteem and all of those characteristics- defined ME.

Sexual addiction took over my life for 5 hopeless years and I never thought I would be free from it, but God had other plans. At 23 I realized I just couldn’t live this life anymore, I needed fully seek out Christ. I fully re-gave my life to Christ at 23 and have been sharing my testimony to help other women all around the world to let them know that we ALL go through trials in our lives that we need EACH OTHER for.

My transparency is here to help so many others who may be suffering from something in their life, I want you to know that you’re not alone.” 


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