Do you know God?

Simple yet profound question.

Are you thinking, yes I know God or who is God, as you read this? Whichever is going through your mind right now, one thing I know is, I am not referring to a dictionary definition of God or man’s attempt to define and in a sense qualify God.

A lot of people may claim to know God, but then there are two kinds of ‘knowing’. On one hand there is the knowledge that comes from hearing arguments and other people’s experience about a supernatural being called God and on the other hand, there is the knowledge that comes by personal experience; the knowing that comes and dwells in your heart.

I have been a Christian for a while now and at the early stages of my being a Christian, (yes I knew there was a God), but it wasn’t an experiential knowledge of Him. Then again, how could I when I didn’t even have a relationship with Him? I have come to understand from scriptures that true knowledge of a person and true knowledge of who God is only comes from a relationship. This is a closely knitted fellowship through constant communication kind of relationship. That is what experiential knowledge really is about. It’s not based on what others say but on what you have come to find on your own, the revelation and discovery you make each minute you spend with Him and this isn’t reserved for only a few, it is available for anyone who wants it.

My knowledge of God at a time was mostly what I had heard people say. Then I had one of the most traumatizing periods of my life, I lost my father. How was I suddenly going to live without a father?

Trying to fill that void I came to find another Father, I found a father in God. He is literally all I have got. I have tasted of His love, mercy and comfort. He became my Father when I was fatherless

“Father to the fatherless, defender of widows–this is God, whose dwelling is holy.”- Psalm 68:5

When I think of or speak of God today, I am not referring to some distant being or faraway imaginary fellow. My whole life presently is dedicated to knowing Him and giving myself to Him. He has shown himself to me in several ways. He is: 

My Comforter

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3

My Shepherd

In Him I have lacked nothing. 

The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need. Psalm 23:1

The most wonderful thing however about knowing God for me is the love I have felt. I have literally been embraced, wrapped up and covered with His love. I have felt it, seen it and experienced it.

What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. – 1 John 3:1 has been my testimony.

God is my Father, my Love, my Lord, my Friend, my Source and my Sustainer.

I want to ask you today, Do you know God?

Who is He to you?

Don’t just seek head knowledge of him. Open your heart and allow yourself to experience a personal relationship with Him that’s whole and filled with unconditional love.


Be encouraged!

Grace Ashama


Meet my sister Grace Ashama from Nigeria. 

“I am a God Lover, Coach, Speaker, Mentor. I help young women discover and embrace their unique purpose so they can have truly impactful careers. I do this through coaching, speaking and writing. It is my goal to see every young woman come to a place of self -acceptance and discovery of purpose, living the beautiful life God created them to have.  When I am not working you can find me dancing, reading, singing, writing or trying out new food recipes.

You can find out more about Grace  on or follow her on Instagram: @yarmirama” 


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