GOD as my Husband?

“For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name” – Isaiah 54:5a 

I might have been a Christian for a while, but God being my husband was a very new idea to me. Sure I have known God to be my father. The One who birthed me through the blood of His son. The One who powers over me and is ready to punish me when I do wrong. I have also known him to be a friend. He is the One I can tell my secrets to, knowing that He wouldn’t tell a soul.  But a husband… that was quite foreign. You see, friends I had, and even though I might not have grown up with my biological father, I still had father figures around, so I knew what to expect of a father, but not a husband. So in practicing having God as my husband this is what I learnt.

I was a cheater

Oh how I cheated on God, when I entered into relationships He never sanctioned. When I went and did things He never appreciated. I even cheated on Him with myself. Anytime I placed something or someone before Him, I cheated on Him.

Yet He still put a ring on it.

Yup, He still chose me; He still loved me and called me His wife. I don’t know about you but when I had a boyfriend and he introduced me as his girlfriend, I radiated with pride. I belonged to someone. Someone wanted me. Well that is how God made me feel through His word, in spite of all the mess I made of myself, He still wanted me.

New name, new me

He changed everything that made me a disgrace and gave me a name that gave me power, respect and authority. When I think of Michelle Obama, I think of the First Lady. I would imagine when she states that name, people look up. It gets them to action. Well it is the same when we are married into Christ, and He gives us His name. That name gives us power over the enemy, and authority to walk in the blessing of everlasting life.

Now I have a Job to Do

When I thought of God as father and friend, I pretty much placed all the responsibility of the relationship on Him. If I mess up He forgives me. If I had an issue He listens. But what I found with thinking of God as my husband was that I now had to be a wife. I was now tasked with the responsibility of submitting to my husband and nurturing and keeping the home. Submitting to Him meant that I had to abide by His words through the bible. Keeping the home meant I had to maintain where my husband inhabited. That meant Me! Which husband wants to walk into a sticky, dirty house with everything out of place? Well it is the same with our body. God can’t inhabit a dirty body (home). It is our responsibility to continue to wash it with the word, so that it is inviting for the Holy Spirit to dwell.

Two Become One

In writing this blog I am reminded how selfish my ideas about God were. How I sought to please everyone else but God, thus making me a true harlot. But I am also reminded how loving God is. That even in the midst of my shame of running from man to man, chasing after worldly desires, He still chose me and renamed me.

He can do the same for you if you would like. All you have to do is say “I do”. Let him love you endlessly, give you a new name, provide for and protect you. It’s all He ever wanted to do. I took the plunge. I said I DO, and you know what, it’s the best relationship I have ever had.


Be encouraged!

Tashna Silburn 


Evangelist Tashna Silburn attends the Holiness Church of God where she has been a member for over 20 years. She currently has responsibility for the Youth Department.  As a minister she uses her life experiences to reach and affected the younger generation. Tashna is also a Senior Project Economist at the Planning Institute of Jamaica. Her life philosophy for life is the “The Sky is Never the Limit”. 

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