A Stronger Marriage with Christ: 6 Steps To Improving Your Marriage By Franceta Lopez

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There is no perfect marriage but we do have a perfect God and through him all things are possible; For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke1:37)

As you apply these five steps, I hope it will help to improve and strengthen your marriage.

  1. Make God the center of your marriage

Husband and wife should seek God together, pray together and invite God into their marriage. When we give God control over our marriage, it allows him to work freely, building a marriage that can survive the challenges of life. Prayer also draw you closer together. Praying as a couple helps you to connect spiritually, which is the deepest act of intimacy.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path (Proverbs 3:6).


  1. Communication

The lack of good communication can really breakdown a marriage. It is very important to learn to communicate well with your spouse. Here are three crucial methods, if used correctly, can build a healthy communication in a marriage.

  • Speaking

Talk to each other about issues that are affecting you. Many couples expect their spouse to read their minds “literally” but unless you open up about what’s wrong, he /she won’t be able to address the issue at hand.

  • Listening

Take the time out to really listen to your spouse. Be attentive! This shows that you care, that you are interested in the conversation and also may clear up any misunderstandings.


  • Take action

Taking action is basically working to resolve any conflict in the marriage. These involve apologizing, making every effort not to repeat mistakes and follow through with promises. This brings forgiveness, healing and peace.


  1. Pursue your Spouse

After marriage many husband and wife become complacent, one might even say too comfortable. They stop trying to allure their spouse, which is detrimental in keeping the flame and passion lit in a marriage.  I charge you daughter of Jerusalem, that ye stir up, nor awake my Love, until he please (Song of Solomon 8:4),


Here are a few suggestions to consider when pursuing your spouse:

  • Say I love you

Saying those three magic words is extremely important and should be reinforced and indulge in freely. These three little words revive connection and bring security between a couple.


  • Send random love text

Send random love messages to your spouse whether he/she is sitting 2 feet away from you or at work. Love text helps to keep your spouse entice and full of passion for you. If text is not your thing send roses, buy a gift etc.

  • Spend time together

It is a must that you spend time with your spouse. Go on dates, plan trips, go on picnic, take a walk in the park etc. Just ensure you schedule time to spend together, even if its once per month. Spending time with your spouse draw you closer together, build new memories and remind you of old ones especially the little things your spouse does that make you laugh etc.




  1. Keep the passion burning in the bed room

In order to have a healthy sex life, a husband and wife must recognize whatever happens outside the bedroom, will affect inside the bedroom. So to ensure that your spouse is not mentally, as well as physically  burned out by the end of the day, both person as to work together, remember you are a team, so whether it is a random text to encourage your spouse or getting the kids to bed, getting dinner started etc. Do what is necessary to put each other in a better state of mind or mood for sex.


Many waters cannot quench Love, neither can the flood drown it…… (Songs of Solomon 8:7)


  1. Respect your spouse

Without respect, a marriage can crumble. Respect is the groundwork to a strong and lasting marriage.

 You can show your spouse respect by:

  • Setting boundaries

There are some family members who don’t know boundaries or limit and can become fixated on one’s relationship. Wherein, if you don’t nip it in the bud early, it will slowly destroy your marriage. Protect spouse, protect your marriage by setting boundaries and standards. Without it, there is no respect.

  • Speaking kindly and with a soft tone.

A wife speaking in a soft manner speaks volume of the respect you have for your husband. It also neutralizes any tension in the atmosphere. It is also a secret weapon to get anything you want from your husband. Wink! Wink!


  1. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is vital to the survival of a marriage, but can be very difficult to extend, especially when the hurt is from the one you love the most. It’s extremely hard to let go, but by praying to God and asking him to help you to forgive your spouse, it will become easier. So be patient with yourself because forgiveness is a process.

Be us kind one to another tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you  (Eph.4:32)





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Franceta Symister Lopez was born In the parish of Westmoreland, relocated to Portmore at three months old. Where she now resigned with her husband and their four boys. Franceta began writing at the age of twelve, from lyrics from a cassette to short stories and poets. She became fully committed to writing in 2015 when she loss her daughter Gabrielle Lopez. Franceta is the founder of two personal blog on facebook: Silent heart which is dedicated to her daughter and the other passionate mind.


5 thoughts on “A Stronger Marriage with Christ: 6 Steps To Improving Your Marriage By Franceta Lopez”

  1. Trecia-Gaye Whyte

    Congratulations my dear sister in Christ . It is a great thing to put God in our lives. This book is so real I would recommend anyone to visual this true stories..haven’t completely read all yet but so far so good.

  2. Debbie Racquel Watson-Allen

    This was a great read. Even in long marriage we need reminders. We get so busy with life we have little time for each other.

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