Merry Christmas Friends!!!

It’s been a while that I’ve blogged .. actually it’s been awhile I’ve even written in my journal and it is not because I’ve been busy. For weeks I’ve been feeling like God is simply just not talking to me… I keep asking “God are we in malice?”

It has truly been a going ‘through the motions kinda season’ and I am just being still because God has not given me anything to share.

Last week, the She’s Royal Movement had its last event for the year in the form of a cocktail party and worship experience.. I was supposed to do the exhortation but I just couldn’t because I refuse to share anything from my limited wisdom and God did not tell me anything to tell His people. So thank God for my brother in Christ, Dunamis Reignz that shared the exhortation and the night was truly a blessing.

This is my last blog for 2015, I want to say thanks to all the faithful readers and followers of my page. I truly pray that you were inspired, blessed, encouraged and even convicted by my daily posts and monthly blogs. One thing I can truly say that even though I feel like God is not ‘talking’ to me, I know for sure that He is always with me .. and guess what He is ALWAYS with you too!!

It is so comforting to know with all our hearts that even in His silence, even in a drought, even in the tests, even in the valley .. NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD!!



As we a celebrate this Christmas season with just about a week to go for the New Year.. I pray that we will not be so caught up in the festivities that we don’t get time to truly reflect what this season is about…
Jesus Christ came into this world, not just to free us from eternal punishment but also to give us hope and purpose in this life! So I truly encourage you to spend some time with God before the end of the year and just thank Him for just keeping you, providing for you and most importantly saving you; through His birth.. we have been given LIFE!! 

I know everything may not be going how you would want it.. maybe 2015 has even been your hardest year.. but God continues to take us through and He has brought us too far to leave us now! 

There is so much that I need to share with you guys but when God has release me then I will do so.

2015 was truly a Year of Promotion… and I declare that 2016 will be a Year of Expectancy for us ..because we serve a Great Big Wonderful God and we know that His plans for us can only get better!! 

I love you guys very much.. God bless you.. I pray that you will have a safe, joyful, peaceful, lovely, restful and merry Christmas and super favored and blessed New Year to come!! 

God loves you so much… and I do too:-)
To God be the Glory****


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