The Heart Where The Enemy Loves Dwelling by starry tun

The heart is a very important organ in our body, pumping enough blood to send a continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain and the other vital organs. In order to keep the vital organs healthy and for them to work properly, the heart pumps the blood which carries oxygen. Just like how the physical heart is important, our spiritual heart matters too. Therefore, King Solomon also said “to guard our heart with utmost care for it flows the sources of life” (Psalms 4:23). It is where our dreams, desires and passions live. It overflows into thoughts, words and actions. The enemy knows about it well that he attacks our heart constantly by shooting the arrows of pride, emptiness and disobedience.

There are three types of heart the enemy loves dwelling if we give permission:

  • Prideful heart (The fall of Satan)

Satan, himself, was a proud angel against God by declaring that, “I will ascend to Heaven, raise my throne above the stars of God, sit on the mount of assembly, and make myself like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:13-14). His heart was filled with pride that overflowed his thoughts, words and actions of rebelling against God. Even he was prideful in the perfect environment where God ruined, how much more could we fall short in this broken planet where Satan ruined? If you think, you do not need God to ask for wisdom and guidance because you can manage your way and you have energy and strength. If you think, you don’t need the help of others because you think you are better than others. Then it is indeed that the enemy is dwelling in your prideful heart. He takes control of that heart and ruin it as his own.

  • Empty Heart (Matthew 12:44 NASB)

The empty heart can invite evil spirits too. In other words, when you do not fill your heart with the word of God, it is tempting for the devil to dwell in it. In the parable of Matthew 12:43-45, “after an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert and seeks rest. When he finds none, he returns to that former home and finds it empty, he even invites seven other spirits who are more evil and dwell in that home.” When we do not read the bible, pray and fellowship with other Christians, our heart is empty and the group of worse evil spirits can build home in it. If you find yourself not longing to read the word of God, not feeling like to pray and not needing to gather with Christians, then your heart becomes empty enough that the enemy is building its home.

  • Disobedient Heart

(Ephesians 2:2 NRSV) “You were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once lived, following the course of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work among those who are disobedient.” When we disobey God, we welcome the devil to work in our lives. There are only two choices to make: obey God or obey Satan. When we disobey God, we are automatically obeying Satan. You are giving the enemy permission to ruin your lives by disobeying God. The moment you disobey the Truth is the moment the evil spirit dwells in your heart.

Let us take heed that humility in Christ can fight back the prideful heart. Even Jesus, the son of God, lowered himself in human form to save us. How much more do we need to be humble as the child of God? The more you humble yourself, the more God can exalt you (1 Peter 5:6). We can fight back the empty heart by filling our heart with the Truth, the powerful word of God (Psalm 119:11). To all the mighty warriors of Christ, we need to guard our hearts with all diligence for it can be the dwelling place for the enemy if we give permission to it. Let’s fill it up with the word of God, pray constantly and humble ourselves before God and try not to let the enemy get a chance to enter your heart. Guard your Heart!!

Starry, from Myanmar, has been living in Thailand for five years and serving at Hebron Youth Directions Foundation, a youth ministry offering vocational training. She is passionate about mentoring youth and writing Christian articles. Though being raised in a Christian family, she lived her life by herself till she moved to Thailand. After having a deep encounter with Jesus, she gave her life to Christ in 2016. Since then, she started involved in God’s calling for her life till now. Currently, she is teaching English and mentoring youth in the ministry.

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