look in the mirror by kyle smith

What is it that you see when you look in the mirror?

Do you see someone who bears a striking resemblance to the Almighty, or do you see someone who is far lesser than that?

I think that most of us have a negative view of who we are. When we look at ourselves, we see someone who is a failure. We are often not proud of who we’ve become. We think that our sins and mistakes have totally dimmed the light of the Lord that resides in us. Depression, anxiety, and regret all have marred how we view ourselves.

That is simply not how God views us. We are not worthless, but we are of great value to God. Would he have sent his son to die for that which is insignificant? I think not. You are loved by God and seen as a treasure. You are his prized creation and beloved child.

If you have ever read the Gospel of John, then you are probably aware of how he identified himself. He never called himself John but always ‘The disciple whom Jesus loved.’ I appreciate his proper use of who and whom. I have heard some say that it is arrogant of him to refer to himself as such. I disagree. I wish that this is how we all viewed ourselves. He never said that he was the only one Jesus loved, nor the one he loved the most. He simply acknowledged that he was forever loved by Jesus.

What would it look like if we all viewed ourselves that way? What if when we looked in the mirror, we saw someone who was created in God’s image and is loved by Jesus? I believe that would free us of so much. Imagine the weight that would be lifted off your heart and your shoulders if you foremost thought of yourself as a cherished creation and treasured child. If that is how we were to define ourselves, then there is nothing that the world could throw at us that would bring us down.

 We can see God whenever we look into the mirror. No, we are not God in full, nor should we strive to take his place. He is all-powerful and unequable. He is far greater than anything that our minds could ever fathom. But, as his handiwork, we do have his fingerprints on us. We were created with care and purpose. It was out of God’s love that he sent his own son to die for us so that those who believe will be saved and live in eternity with him. It doesn’t seem to me that God views us the same way that we often view ourselves. Maybe, we need to change how we view ourselves.

 Hi, I’m Kyle Smith. I am someone who has been broken by this world and redeemed by the Heavenly Father. On top of being a Christian blogger and author, I also serve as a youth pastor. I write solely about one thing, God’s unending love for you. I will soon be married to the most wonderful woman in the world! 

My work is found on www.hkog.org. Most of all, I want to let you know that God loves you!

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