lessons in the wait by lady kav

There is perhaps a weird quirk about my writing process in which a potential title to an article bounces around in my head long before I really identify what I want to say.

For me “Lessons in the Wait” has been that bouncy ball ricocheting off my mental walls for about two years. In this waiting season, that is moving at the pace of melting glaciers pre-global warming, I keep asking God: what are you trying to teach me? I wonder what golden nuggets of goodness I can serve on my blog that will help someone else during their wait. So here is the deal, I think I’ll have enough personal lessons to share in a blog series or book but let me start with these 3 things.

The first thing I observed under the sun was that we spend most of our lives waiting. There is always going to be a gap between where we are and where we want to be in some aspect of our lives. Everyone is waiting for something.  Children wait to be adults. Adults wait for the manifestation of our deepest desires while we hopefully work towards them. We wait for the right spouse. We wait for the right job or business. We wait for more opportunities for income. We wait for cheques to clear, for the baby to be conceived, for the baby to be born, for someone to respond to a text or email. We wait. Nothing on this side of eternity happens instantly. Let us refer to Ecclesiastes 3. There is a time and place for everything under the sun. I believe I would be hard pressed to find one human being who is not waiting on something. Yet waiting is a royal pain and we don’t like it one bit or should I say I do not like it one bit. So, lesson number one: Get comfortable with the discomfort of waiting. Oxymoronic right?

Lesson number two: The wait should not be passive. When I think of waiting, the doctor’s office or the tax office line in Jamaica is the imagery that immediately pops into my head. I imagine the listless, brain numbing torture of sitting idly while I wait for my turn. How did people survive pre-cell phone entertainment? I know! They either spoke to each other, read a book, magazine, or newspaper. When I just moved to Canada, I took the bus for a couple of years. I traveled on three buses to work each way. At first, I used the time to talk to family and friends, then I tapped into my audible and kindle subscriptions. I listened to and read books that fed my growth. The time between where I was to my destination shifted from the passive passing of time to actively adding dimension and depth to my soul. Most things won’t come to your hand-delivered while you relax in your fuzzy slippers. While you wait for your next thing, maximize the resources you have now. Looking for a spouse? Work on healing your soul from whatever traumas and negative habits you have ingrained in your life. Looking for the right job or business? Then work hard at what you have in your hand now. Learn, grow and incorporate the lessons God is teaching you in this season because you will need them for the next.

Lesson number three: Your lesson is for you. Am I the only one guilty of hearing a sermon or motivational talk and thinking “person x should be listening to this right now, this would help them so much?”. I remember a mentor of mine who used to say you are responsible for what you are hearing right now. In other words, she challenged me to think of what I could glean from any message, scripture, or information that was being presented. She was heavy on life application. I’m learning that two people waiting for the same thing may have very different lessons to learn. For instance, my husband and I had to wait 3 years to be in the same geographical space. We each had grief to process and different lessons to learn about ourselves, our dysfunctions and the place God has in our lives. Stay focused on your journey, it will not be the same as person x.

I leave scripture with you ‘This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.’ – Habakkuk 2:3

Kavanaugh Dickson-Williams is a Christian Best Selling Author, Speaker and Blogger for “Lady Kavan Writes.”  Her writing navigates complex emotions to provide hope and encouragement based on experience and scripture.

Check out her website: www.ladykavanwrites.com.  For booking, email ladykavanwrites@gmail.com. Follow Lady Kavan on Instagram @ladykavw;  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ladykavanwrites/ or on Youtube : Lady Kavan

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