Delayed but Not Denied by By Bulinda Wright-Jones

This message comes as a friendly reminder, the promise may have been delayed, but it is not denied.  It’s time to get your focus back, it’s time to “faith up” and believe again.  God has not forgotten about you, and God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. 

God wants you to stop worrying.  The enemy wants you to believe that your breakthrough is not coming, but I’m here to tell you that the devil is a liar.  Remember this. if God said it then it will come to pass. God is a man of his word. He doesn’t lie. So believe that the promise will manifest in your life.  You haven’t missed it, it has not expired, and you didn’t fail. 

Get your joy back by trusting and believing that God has your best interest at heart.  He sees your frustration and the tears.  God sees that you’re tired.  Just know that everything is working together for your good.  Your character is being built, and God is working on those issues of the heart.  Know that His timing is perfect.  He will not be late.  God will be right on time, so don’t get weary in well-doing.

Focus on your relationship with God by setting personal time for Him.  God wants to spend quality time with you. So, it’s time to slow down and listen for His still, small voice.  In that quietness, you will hear God’s instruction.  In that quietness, you will find your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Know that God loves you, and it will happen at the appointed time. 

Remember that God is with you and for you, so Keep Looking Up!!

Bulinda Wright-Jones is a creative visionary whose life goal is to provide hope to women worldwide, with the message that everyone can start over again.  This author, certified life coach, and dynamic speaker. With her new book, The Self Love Challenge, Bulinda shares daily practices that will aid women in prioritizing themselves, embracing self-love, and seeing themselves as God does. 

Bulinda launched a new podcast show titled Get Unstuck and S.E.X.Y. (Self-confidence, Excitement, X-tra, and Yes, I Can). Find out more about her at

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